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Willow Class (Y6)

Willow Class

Welcome to Year 6! Willow Class are taught by Miss Sheardown with Mrs Woolsey, Mrs Connolly and Miss Smith as our wonderful teaching assistants.

For PE, please ensure that you have a fully-labelled kit in school, which is both suitable for indoor and outdoor activities, on Mondays and Fridays. Any lost property will be stored safely until it can be returned to its rightful owner and Year 6 pupils have their own lockers and trays to store their personal belongings.

Our homework is set weekly on a Friday and is due in by the following Wednesday. 

Please check this page regularly for updates and photos all about our fantastic learning journey.

Our Weekly Timetable

PGL Update - Monday 25th September

The day has finally arrived! We’ve all been settling in well to our first day here at PGL. After arrival, we dropped off our luggage in our dormitory rooms and had an orientation walk around the site with Ella, our group leader for the week. We learned about the activities, played games and sang songs as we explored. At 5.40pm we had dinner together, with options tonight of battered chicken (with optional Katsu sauce), beef or vegetarian lasagne with a choice of pasta or rice, garlic bread and steamed vegetables. There was also a salad bar to choose from, an assortment of fruit and cake for dessert - yum!


We then had a bit of free time to play games and kick around a football before our evening activity: cluedo. For this, we had to trek around the site in the dark looking for dressed-up characters (such as Norbert the Gorilla or Harold the Chicken!) and do forfeits for them, so that they would give us clues to solve a mystery.


Our evening activity finished at around 8.30pm, when we headed back to the rooms to get showered and ready for bed. Fingers crossed for a good night’s sleep… tomorrow is going to be a busy day…!

PGL Update - Tuesday 26th September

What an action-packed day - with some very changeable weather! After breakfast, for which there was a choice of bacon, beans, mushrooms, toast, an assortment of cereals, porridge and fruit, we split into our 3 groups for the first time and began our main activities. Each day, these activities will rotate around to ensure that each group takes on each activity. Today, different groups explored aeroball (a basketball-style game played on trampolines), rifle shooting, zip wire and the trapeze, which was a real challenge in the weather conditions. The day began with an eerie fog which lingered for a while, until the heavens opened from around 10.30am-12pm, but thankfully when the activities paused for generous helpings of burgers and chips, the atmosphere for the afternoon changed and the sun even put in an appearance! After another couple of activities for each group, it was time for dinner, which was a choice of hunter's chicken or fish fingers, with a choice of pasta, vegetables and an assortment of salads, followed by chocolate muffins for dessert.


Following dinner, we camouflaged ourselves in our darkest outfits and split the class in half to play ‘ambush’, a huge after-dark game of hide & seek with a few added twists and turns. We had a great time running about in the dark - some people even added some of Miss Sheardown's make-up to hide their faces too; what a great evening activity to finish our first full day!😊


Have a look at the photos below to see more from our day! 🥰

Rifle Shooting

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Zipwire (Elsie)

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Trapeze (Erica)

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Trapeze (Winston)

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The joy of conkers...

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PGL Update - Wednesday 27th September

We've had some lovely sunny spells of weather for our third day of adventure. After a much better night’s sleep  and a hearty breakfast, we all got ready for another adrenaline-fuelled day! Today, some groups tried out the high ropes, abseiling, giant swing, fencing or orienteering activities - and one group also went canoeing! After learning some techniques and partnering up, it was time to get out onto the slightly murky water. The sun made an appearance and there were plenty of smiles around! We practised our skills with the oars and played some games…some minor splashing may also have occurred! At the end of the session, six brave souls decided to jump in and have a little paddle around, dragging Mr Woolsey in with them!

After all of that, we were ready for a filling dinner of chicken curry or cheesy meatballs with pasta, salad, vegetables and rice, followed by jam doughnuts… some very unusual combinations of food were consumed!

Tonight's evening activity was a quiz, which was based on the style of 'The Million Pound Drop' TV show, with the class split into 4 teams competing against each other. 2 teams survived the entire game with just 2 banknotes remaining at the end! We're all excited and ready for a good sleep before more adventures tomorrow...smiley

A refreshing dip...!

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Abi & James Fencing

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High Ropes

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Giant Swing with Mia, Luca & Stanley

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Evie and Sophie abseiling...or dancing?

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Happy Birthday to Sophie!

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PGL Update - Thursday 28th September

Our final full day already… where has the time gone? Everyone had to be woken up by Mrs Webb, Mr Woolsey and Miss Sheardown for our 7.40am breakfast, but once we had refuelled with cooked breakfasts, toast, cereals, fruit and yogurts, we were ready to go! Today’s activities included the high ropes, abseiling and canoeing for those who hadn’t attempted these activities yet, plus problem solving and the very challenging ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ activity, climbing and abseiling for all groups. It’s a good job we had spaghetti bolognese / a selection of sandwiches, crisps and salad for lunch to keep our energy levels up! Mrs Harrison also popped down for a visit - with cake! Delicious!

After another couple of activities for each group, it was time for dinner, which was a choice of sausage pasta bake or chicken kievs, with a choice of potatoes, vegetables and an assortment of salads, followed by chocolate cake for dessert. Tonight's evening entertainment featured a surprise visit from Mrs Kerr, who joined us for a game called 'Balloon Splash', where we split into teams and completed challenges to earn tokens. We could then spend these tokens on different equipment to create a protective shield for a water balloon, which was then thrown into the air to see if it survived. Finishing at 8.45pm, we were all ready to pack and head to bed after another exhausting day!

Climbing Wall with Logan & Adam

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They asked for it...

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...and Erin!

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Jacob's Ladder with Luca & Stanley

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Balloon Splash

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Problem Solving

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Jacob's Ladder with Evie, Sophie & Isla

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PGL Update - Friday 29th September

Year 6 Yearly Overview

This document shows what skills and themes we will be studying in each of our non-core curriculum subjects. Please note that our yearly overview is for guidance and may be subject to small changes and tweaks. smiley

Year 5/6 Spelling List

Year 6 SPaG Definitions

SATs Practice Papers

Year 6 Science Revision

Visitors 2 2 6 2 8 1
healthy school award ofsted award platinum award eco school silver award AQT award carres grammar school outreach award carres grammar school outreach award