Home Page


Our school operates a paperless communication system with parents. The only paper letters that will come home with children will be letters which require a reply when asked for. We are working hard to ensure that this is a positive experience and that high quality communication between home and school is achieved.


Newsletters are all dated and copies are messaged out to parents/carers through Arbor and are on the school website. There is also a calendar of school activities on our website, which you can sync to your phone or PC by following the link on the calendar page.


Please make sure that we always have an up to date mobile number for you, as you will receive text reminders and messages throughout the year. Similarly, we need a current email address which we will use each week to send you a copy of the newsletter.  

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healthy school award ofsted award platinum award eco school silver award AQT award carres grammar school outreach award carres grammar school outreach award