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Thankfulness 2023-24 

During Autumn Term 1 we have focused on our school value of thankfulness. Our collective worships have been centered about thankfulness, how it is shown in the Bible and how we can show thankfulness in our own lives. 

During our class worship this half term, each class has thought about thankfulness in a different way and has displayed this in their reflection areas. 

Thankfulness in Collective Worship


Jenny Cawthorne came to deliver a collective worship all about thankfulness, linked to the rules that we are given in the Bible.  

Jenny explained the ten commandments to us and asked us to think about what it would be like without any rules. 

To help us understand, Jenny turned into a football commentator - but the game had no rules! 

We thought about the ten commandments, our school rules and rules we may have at home, and were thankful that these keep us safe and show us how to make good choices. 

Thankfulness - Reflection Areas

Thankfulness 2022-23

In Reception we have been talking about the things we are thankful for. We decorated a leaf and stuck it on our thankfulness tree.

In Year 1 we have been thinking about the story of creation and the wonderful world around us. The children wrote a thank you card and thought about the natural wonders.

In Year 2,  we have made our own prayer flowers with prayers that resemble what we are thankful for. We also have a reflection pool which we put a pebble in while we are thinking about what we are thankful for.

In Year 3, we have made reduce, reuse and recycle posters due to our class worship on recycling and protecting the environment. We also decorated hearts with what we are thankful for. We created a class tree with a leaf for every person, celebrating our individual qualities and strengths.

In Year 4, we created individual hands and we made a display celebrating how as individuals we are unique but we are thankful that together we make a masterpiece! We also made a jigsaw of what we are thankful for in creation.

In Year 5, we have been thinking about all the things we are thankful for in this world. We have written a class prayer of thanks that we all contributed  in the theme of the wonders of gods creation.

In our reflection area,Year 6 have created a ‘garden of thankfulness’ with each petal showing something that we are thankful for. Also, in our recent class worship we created a collage from waste materials which reads ‘reduce, reuse, recycle, reimagine’ when we learnt all about stewardship.

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