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Thankfulness 2024-25


Harvest Service October 2024


We had a fantastic Harvest service at the church this year with so many items being donated to our local food bank. 

Each class worked hard to learn a song, create some art work, write poems and even recite a Harvest rap! 

Two children from Year 5 and Reception were chosen to collect their Bibles. Our Bishop's visitor Jenny Cawthorne visited school before the service and was really impressed by how well they recited their Psalm Bible verse. 

Thank you to all of the parents who joined us for the service. 

Thankfulness Reflection Areas

Thankfulness 2023-24 

During Autumn Term 1 we have focused on our school value of thankfulness. Our collective worships have been centered about thankfulness, how it is shown in the Bible and how we can show thankfulness in our own lives. 

During our class worship this half term, each class has thought about thankfulness in a different way and has displayed this in their reflection areas. 

Thankfulness in Collective Worship


Jenny Cawthorne came to deliver a collective worship all about thankfulness, linked to the rules that we are given in the Bible.  

Jenny explained the ten commandments to us and asked us to think about what it would be like without any rules. 

To help us understand, Jenny turned into a football commentator - but the game had no rules! 

We thought about the ten commandments, our school rules and rules we may have at home, and were thankful that these keep us safe and show us how to make good choices. 

Thankfulness - Reflection Areas

Thankfulness Songs and Hymns 

Visitors 2 3 7 1 6 0
healthy school award ofsted award platinum award eco school silver award AQT award carres grammar school outreach award carres grammar school outreach award