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Music Lessons

Music is in the air……………………


Music is a part of life for a child growing up and never more so than at Navenby School.  Music is taught throughout the school as part of the curriculum allowing pupils to hear, play, appraise and compose all types of music from soundscapes to blues, on all types of instruments from boomwhackers to djembe.   

Instrument tuition:

At Navenby Church of England Primary School we currently employ peripatetic music staff from the Lincolnshire Music Service (booked direct) and from The Peri Group (booked direct) for those pupils who would like to learn to individually play a musical instrument. 


Individual lessons are 15 minutes long (Lincolnshire music Service) and 20 minutes (The Peri Group)  and whilst the majority will take place during normal lesson time, some pupils may have lessons in lunchtimes or play times in order to accommodate everyone. We try to ensure that our older pupils do not miss lesson time if at all possible. For further information regarding costs or to enquire about lessons for your child/ren, please follow the links provided. 


Peri Group - www.theperigroup.com/SignUp


Lincolnshire Music Service - Registration - Lincolnshire Music Service (speedadmin.dk)



Whilst lessons are open to all pupils, the availability of lessons for KS1 pupils is subject to approval from the music teachers concerned, as they will need to be satisfied that younger children are ready for lessons and able to play the instrument they have chosen.


We also have a music band lesson which is run by Rocksteady where your child could learn a variety of instruments and vocal in a band format.  These lessons are booked direct with Rocksteady at www.rocksteadymusicschool.com .


Navenby School Choir:


The KS2 choir has already proved a great success with pupils performing to the residents at Holmleigh Nursing Home ate the Lincolnshire Show. They have also performed in the past at RAF Waddington and sang carols as part of a Wellingore Christmas celebration. With such enthusiastic members we are able to explore more challenging songs in addition to the songs they experience daily during Collective Worship and in their classrooms. 


Choir Club is run after school on a Tuesday for Key Stage 2 children to join.  Please see the Club section of the website for further details. 


Thank you for your continued support and helping to make these musical ventures happen.  The greatest reward from singing or learning a musical instrument is sharing it with other people.





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