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Safeguarding underpins everything we do at Navenby.  Our school family promotes values, models positive interactions and delivers unfaltering care to instill healthy well-being, confidence and independence.  Knowing our children and families is vital and something we pride ourselves on.


Fran Reeder is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and is based in Year Five.  Mr Elliott, our headteacher, is the Deputy Safeguarding Lead.  It is their responsibility to oversee safeguarding and child protection.



To make a safeguarding referral ring Children's Safeguarding: 01522 782111.

Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024-2025

Visitors 2 3 5 2 8 8
healthy school award ofsted award platinum award eco school silver award AQT award carres grammar school outreach award carres grammar school outreach award