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Collective Worship

Collective Worship 2023-24 


At Navenby, each day begins with a collective worship; a time for us to be together, learn about our school values and sing as a whole school. There is time for us to reflect, listen to each other's ideas and make sure we have a positive start to the day.


We also have class worship each week, where we can focus on the school value as a class. These worship sessions are then reflected in areas in our classroom. Each class has a class worship journal which we can use to look back at our previous values for that year and even previous years. 


At the end of each term, our collective worship councillors lead a collective worship which celebrates and brings together our learning about the church school value. 

The Work of the Collective Worship Council (Exhibited at the Church Visitors' Conference)

Pentecost Display around School

Collective Worship- Peace

Collective Worship - Thankfulness

Collective Worship - Faithfulness

Visitors 2 2 4 4 5 3
healthy school award ofsted award platinum award eco school silver award AQT award carres grammar school outreach award carres grammar school outreach award