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This term, our PE lessons are on a Tuesday and a Thursday.

Please make sure that your child has their indoor and outdoor kit with them on these days.

Spring 2 - Cricket and Underarm throwing


This half term we have had cricket lessons from Chance to Shine Cricket as well as looking at our underarm throwing. 

In February we took part in Football Week where each year group took part in activities centred around a school games value. Our value was honesty and everyone did a great job of being honest in each game and activity we took part in. 

The children who stood out during our session were given certificates. Well done everyone! 

In Spring 1 we focused on balances as part of our Gymnastics learning. In order to hold a balance correctly, we worked on strengthening our core. We practiced moving our bean bag using our core muscles and then worked together as a team to get the bean bag from one side of the hall to the other. 

This half term we looked at Dance and Gymnastics. 


In our Dance lessons we looked at moving in time with the music and using our body to represent different things. We worked with a partner to move as a tree growing and spreading out its leaves, and then we moved in different ways to show the leaves being blown around in the wind. 


In our Gymnastic lessons we were taught lots of different balances, jumps and rolls. We then put these into a routine with a starting and finishing position. At the end of term we had a gymnastic competition and everyone was impressed with eachother's routines.  

In Term 1 , we looked at Dance and Running 

In our dance lesson, we looked at an 8 count beat and practiced counting and clapping the beat. 


We used a song from the Lion King which helped us to clap out the 8 count beat. We loved singing along! 


We then danced like the animals in the Lion King, trying our best to keep to the beat. 


I Just Can't Wait to Be King - The Lion King Body Percussion - YouTube 

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