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Set on Fridays.   Due in by Wednesday please. 


Spelling/Handwriting and Maths activities will be stuck in Homework books.


📕 Reading - Please try to read with your child as often as possible (5 times a week if you can, but we know that this is not always possible) just for 5/10 mins and make a note in their reading diaries. Thank you! 


 Spellings & Handwriting -  each week the children will receive a list of spellings based on a spelling rule. These will be practised most days in school for 5- 10 minutes but please try and practise them at home using the cursive handwriting sheet in their homework books! 👍🏻


🔢 Maths - children will be set a short maths task each week which will be stuck in their homework book.  There will also be links to online games and activities if they would like to do more.  We highly recommend regular practise on Times Tables Rockstars for improving recall of times tables

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