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Beech Class (Y3)

smileyWelcome to Beech Class!smiley (Year 3)


Our wonderful Year 3 team consists of:

Miss Todd (Mon-Wed am Teacher)

Mrs Spokes (Wed pm - Fri Teacher)

Mrs Thornton (Mon - Thu Teaching Assistant)

Miss Peet (Mon & Fri 1:1 Teaching Assistant)

Miss Race (Tue-Thu 1:1 Teaching Assistant)


Our door is always open, so if you ever have any questions or concerns, please do speak to us on the gate after school, send us an email directly, or contact us on Class Dojo. smiley



What we learn about each term...

Hi everyone,


Just a few things you might want to know about Year 3! 😊


📚 Reading books - we will aim to change books every Monday. Children will receive 2 new books each week. Please keep children's books and reading records in their bags everyday so we can make notes in their records when we read with them. 


🍎 Snacks - children are welcome to bring in healthy snacks for break times each day 


👟 PE - will take place on Mondays and Thursdays this term. Please provide warm clothing should the weather turn cold. Please have PE kits in school everyday though as it is always helpful to have a change of clothes and we also do the ‘daily mile’ (walk/jog/run) most days too! Extra socks would be amazing as they can often get wet on the field. 


Homework: (click on homework icon for more details)

Set on Wednesdays.   Due in by Monday please. 


Spelling/Handwriting and Maths activities will be stuck in Homework books.


📕 Reading - Please try to read with your child as often as possible (5 times a week if you can, but we know that this is not always possible) just for 5/10 mins and make a note in their reading diaries. Thank you! 


mail Spellings & Handwriting -  each week the children will receive a list of spellings based on a spelling rule. These will be practised most days in school for 5- 10 minutes but please try and practise them at home using the cursive handwriting sheet in their homework books! 👍🏻


🔢 Maths - children will be set a short maths task each week which will be stuck in their homework book.  There will also be links to online games and activities if they would like to do more.  We highly recommend regular practise on Times Tables Rockstars for improving recall of times tables.


mail Class Dojo - We often put updates and important messages on here and are aiming to use this as our main form of communication each week. It's also another way you can message us too. 


Please get in touch if you need anything 😊 Thanks!


Miss Todd (Mon - Wed am): natalie.todd@navenby.lincs.sch.uk

Mrs Spokes (Wed pm - Fri): nicky.spokes@navenby.lincs.sch.uk


Our Science morning!

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