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Elm Class (Y5)

Welcome to Year 5

Navenby C of E Primary School - Elm Class  

The adults who support and work with Elm class are: Miss Reeder and Miss Simpson.  Mrs Woolsey teaches Wednesday afternoons.


Spring Term 1



What do you need to know?


You will need a water bottle every day and if you are not having hot school meals, please ensure you bring a packed lunch.  You can bring in a healthy snack for playtimes if you would like to.  

Weather-dependent, you will need a coat, especially as it gets cooler and more chances of rain.  In the hotter months, please apply sun cream before school, and don't forget your sun hat!


Once the school has received permission from your parents/guardians, you can walk to and from school on your own.  


We expect you to keep your lockers tidy, make sure you take home old food containers and bottles.  


When do you need your PE kit?

For the Spring term, we would like you to have your P.E kit in every day.  Sometimes the weather can influence which day we do our P.E lesson.   We suggest you bring your kit in, fresh, on a Monday morning and take it home Friday afternoon for a wash.  Our scheduled days for this term at Wednesday and Thursdays!






Homework - Please try this riddle.  Can you work it out?




Lucy, Edmund, Peter, Susan and Mr Beaver are sat in a row, discussing what to do.

Each has a coat, weapon, friend and a fear.


Where are they each sitting?

Who fears what?

Who is wearing white?


  1. The person on the right has an arrow for a weapon.
  2. The person to the left of the middle has a brown coat.
  3. The person with an arrow has a white coat.
  4. The person in the black coat is next to the person in the white coat.
  5. The person on the left has a grey coat.
  6. The one in the middle is not a person and has no coat.
  7. The person on Mr Beaver’s right is Peter.
  8. The person next to the person with a white coat is Aslan’s friend.
  9. Mr Beaver’s friend is Mr Badger.
  10. The person 3 away from Peter is friends with Tumnus.
  11. Lucy is next to Edmund.
  12. Edmund is wearing a brown coat.
  13. Lucy is on the left.
  14. The boy in brown is afraid of being turned to stone.
  15. Peter is scared of wolves.
  16. The person in white fears the white witch.
  17. Mr Beaver has the same fear as the person next to him.
  18. The person to the right of the person in grey is friends with the White Witch.
  19. The one who is friends with Badger carries a knife.
  20. The boys are both next to Beaver and both carry swords.
  21. The person furthest from Susan carries a potion.
  22. One person next to Peter is friends with Mrs Beaver.
  23. The person who fears icy water has a grey coat on.
  24. One of the sword carriers fears wolves.
  25. The person next to Lucy fears being turned to stone.
  26. The one who carries the potion has a grey coat.
  27.  Peter is Aslan’s friend.
  28. The person who fears icy water is on the left of Edmund.
  29. Only Edmund fears being turned to stone.


In your homework books, please complete a grid showing your findings. 


Does the surface area of a parachute impact its speed of decent?

Homework 15th Nov - 13th December and Moon diary for December

During the second Autumn term, we are going to be continuing our learning about the monarchs.  We are then going to study the UK, looking at counties, cities and physical features, including rivers and mountain ranges.

2024-2025 Yearly Overview


We are using this video in our English lessons.

Lost Property & Cloakroom Space

We have a lost property box in our class cupboard, but let’s hope that we keep our belongings safe!  All children have their own lockers in the corridor where they can store all personal items.  Please ensure your child's property is clearly labelled with their name.


Please try to read regularly with your child; filling in their reading diaries at least 5 times a week. Regular, varied reading not only helps develop reading skills but also has a positive impact on writing standards, spelling, knowledge of grammar rules and most importantly imagination. I firmly believe home reading is still vitally important in Year 5.


Homework will be set in their homework books, this will be set on Fridays and needs to be returned by the following Wednesday. If children are unable to complete their homework tasks, please send a message on the Classroom by Monday so I can help with any problem areas. Your child has a login for Times Tables Rock Stars, there is the expectation that they complete activities on this fantastic platform.  Little and often is most effective!  


I hope you find this information useful. I will be available at the gate after school each day. Please do not hesitate to catch us if you have any questions or alternatively you can send me an email (fran.reeder@navenby.lincs.sch.uk).


Best Wishes,

Miss Reeder

Break it Down Clapping

Uploaded by Beth Wilson on 2020-05-18.

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