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Chestnut Class (YR)

Dear Parent's and Carers, 


We hope you and your children have had a great half term break. This term our topic is celebrations! We will be learning about celebrations in our own culture and in the cultures of other people. We will learn about Chinese new year, Diwali, Bonfire night, Ramadan and we will finish the term learning all about Christmas. 


We have attached some useful documents for you below. You can also learn more about the different aspects of our curriculum using the tabs above. 


Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. 


We send new books home on Wednesday along with handwriting sheets which correspond to the sounds we have taught that week in phonics. 


In the Read Write Inc tab you can find links to the sounds videos if you wish to practice at home. 


As always, please don't hesitate to contact us if you require any further information. 


Best wishes, 


Mrs Rushton, Mrs Fleary and Miss Hodson

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