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Maple Class (Y4)

Welcome to Year 4

Navenby C of E Primary School - Class 4 - September 2024

      A Very Warm Welcome Back....

I am absolutely delighted to be teaching this class and have been excitedly preparing the classroom and lessons ready for a great year together!  Although I have worked at the school for many years, I might not have met all of you yet so please feel free to introduce yourselves so that I can put a face to a name.  We just wish to reiterate to parents that it is essential that your child feels happy and settled back in school so that they can enjoy all the exciting learning opportunities. In the first few days back at school we have been focusing on well-being within class and new routines within class to help the children deal with the mixed emotions they maybe feeling. If you have any worries or concerns over the course of the year, please do not hesitate to come and talk to us at the gate, as we will be escorting the children out at the end of each day, or email me on deirdre.harrison@navenby.lincs.sch.uk.


Meet us and our families!

From left: Mrs. Harrison with her son Dan and godson, Ms. Smith and her son Ethan, Ms. Peet and her children and Ms. Race and her dad.

Our classroom for returning


Who’s who?

Similar to last year, I will be working full-time in Year 4 and we are very lucky to have the support of Ms. Smith, Ms. Peet and Ms. Race in class.




Due to the support by sports specialists and swimming throughout the year, the days that we do PE will vary from term to term.  Also, the weather or other events can alter our set days. Therefore, please ensure that every Monday morning your child brings in their fully labelled indoor and outdoor PE kit to place in their lockers, especially as Autumn is approaching. PE kit will come home on a Friday to be washed. This term we will be doing PE on Tuesday and Friday but it is also my intention to complete a mile a day on the other days when we are not doing PE.


Lost Property & Cloakroom Space

We have a lost property box in our class cupboard but let’s hope that we keep our belongings safe!  All children have their own lockers in the corridor where they can store all personal items other than books (which will be kept in the children’s class trays) and their water bottles.





As last year, the children will be given plenty of opportunities to read within school. We are placing a strong emphasis on group guided reading activities, which will take place 3 or 4 times a week.  This will ensure that all children in the class will be listened to by the Teacher and also another adult throughout the week.  Here, the focus is on exploring a variety of texts at a deeper level in order to develop inference and deduction skills for reading comprehension.  Also there is daily reading of text within Active English sessions as well as engagement with Class Books.

Parents/carers still have a huge part to play in their children’s reading development, so all the help you can continue to give is greatly appreciated. Children will have a chance to renew 'Home' books every Monday and it is requested that any returns be made on Fridays in order for books to be reissued after the weekend. If you need to keep a book for a few weeks that is absolutely fine.  We give the child a book on their first day back but will be reviewing reading challenge over the next couple of weeks.


Homework - Posted each week on this website

Homework has to be set by the class teacher each week in accordance with whole school homework policy. It will be sent home on a Thursday and is to be returned no later than Tuesday so it can be marked. In Year 4, and throughout Key stage 2, we have a strong focus on learning times tables as there is a new government test on these in Term 5 and so we ask that children practise these at home as well.  Each week I will post an online multiplication link or a worksheet to complete. Last year, all children in the school became used to our system of spaced learning for spellings.  Their personalised spelling list shows you the spellings that they will focus on each week until the end of week 5 when when they will be tested again.  Lastly, the children will have a short ‘topic’ based task that should not take more than 20-30 minutes.   The only exception to this homework routine in when the children are asked to do ‘Homework Projects’ which is part of school policy for KS2 children too.  These occur later in the Autumn term and in the Summer.  Plenty of time and explanation will be given in advance.  With any of the homework given, if there is any confusion or concerns please pop in to see me or email.


Website Page:

This is regularly updated and contains termly overviews of learning, homework and weekly updates on our learning and progress. It also contains useful links which will support your child’s learning.

Important Date: MacMillan Coffee Day will be 27th September


Year 4 - Yearly Overview

End of Year 4 Expectations

Positive Thinking - A Growth Mindset

Our Autumn term topic is entitled ‘Victoriana.’ Here we share the life of children in our country 150 years ago and look into how the changes came about in order to appreciate what is provided for us all today. It includes a class visit to a coal mine to experience working life for families during the era. A case study of Queen Victoria is undertaken and children question, investigate and formulate opinions, based on research, about this monarch that led the British country and empire towards significant changes.  We also consider our current rights and responsibilities at school and at home.  Linked also with the great inventions of the 19th century, Class 4 will carry out investigations into changing sounds, particularly in relation to wind and string instruments. There will also be much philosophical thought underpinning our work and many more exciting threads to our challenge question!!!

Our Class Charter - How we would like our class to be? (Philosophy for Children)

Our High Standards in Year 4 - What we aspire to!

Zones of Regulation

Reading Areas

Macmillan Coffee Morning Fundraising - Coming Soon 27th September 2024

Waiters for the Day

Parkour Taster Session

Forgiveness Garden by Laura Thompson - Forgiveness (One of our Collective Worship Values)

Making Christmas Stockings

ART - Drawing Skills

Enterprise - FONS Christmas Merchandise with our Victorian Marbling Designs

Our Christian Value of Thankfulness

Our Christian Value of Peace

Maths - Investigating Perimeter

Spring Term 2024

Spring Term

Our Spring Term has certainly seen our classroom transformed once more with vibrant burst of colour as we compare and contrast life in Navenby to a village in India, Chembakoli.  Whilst tackling location and climate, we will also be unpicking the processes at work in the water cycle, creating explanatory text to show our understanding. This learning will be enhance be further investigation into the nature of solids, liquids and gases!  Our India topic is also centred round respecting and celebrating differences as we investigate the beliefs and practises of the Hindu Faith, decorating our own classroom shrine with images of Hindu Gods and artefacts.  The walls will also be adorned with the steps towards successfully designing Indian Block Print Cushions and the creation of Indian Music Samples as we explore Rag, Tala and Drone!!  We looked forward to visit from a range of people in our community to support our learning such as a local gardener explaining how to grow our own herbs, Sunita Patel returning with the Indian Experience, a Dental Practitioner advising us on tooth care and local authors discussing the writing process during World Book Week.  Plenty to look forward to!

Science Day

Maths - TTRS Rockstars Day

Comparing and Contrasting (Geography, ICT and Maths)

French - Learning how to describe the facilities in Navenby

Non-Chronological Report on Chembakolli

PSHE - Show Racism the Red Card

Creating our own Indian Music

Design and Technology - Making Naan Bread (Research and Tasting)

Investigating herbs and spices

Explanatory Text about Tooth Decay

Digestion and Teeth - What we have covered so far!!

Recognising tenths as decimals, on number lines and on place value grids

Literacy - Explanatory Text

Science - Solids, Liquids and Gases

Class Reading

Class Reading

Welcome to the Summer Term Year 4!


Dear All of Year 4 Children and Parents,


I hope you have had a restful and enjoyable Easter.  You have worked incredibly hard work and continued to show great commitment towards your learning so we are going to continue to build on this during the summer term! We have many fun activities to look forward to such as our Enterprise, Graffiti art, Viking Day, athletics and plenty of other outdoor learning opportunities related to science (habitats, food chains, changing environments, classifications), maths and literacy. We will continue to share pictures of all our learning with you.


Please remember to have your PE kit in school everyday from Monday through to Friday.


Homework continues to be due in every week on a Tuesday.


Take Care,


Mrs. Harrison


Creative Writing Day

It's a Mystery

The Crime Scene

The Clues

Changes to the Environment - A Grammar Focus


PSHE- How to be Responsible Citizens and Guardians to Our Planet?

Reduce, Recycle, Reuse

How changes to the environment can impact nature

Food Chains

1)  Know that all food chains start with producers (plants) as they create their own food and this is where they get their energy.

2) Understand the flow of energy passes from the producer to the primary consumer (the arrows that show the energy flow should point from the producer to the primary consumer)

3) Producer ...Primary Consumer..Secondary Consumer..Tertiary Consumer

4)  To be able to explain the terms prey and predator

Food Chains




PSHE - Recycle one product and make a new one

Graffiti Art Day - Paid for by our enterprise

DT - Replica Anglo-Saxon Houses

Anglo-Saxon Settlement

Art/History - Research about Anglo-Saxon Homes. Draw a picture and illustrate it with key features

Anglo-Saxon Beliefs - The Creation Story

A Visit from Hrothgar - Viking weaponry and tactics

Viking Myths and Saga

Viking Games

Hope - Our Christian Value

Visitors 2 3 5 2 8 9
healthy school award ofsted award platinum award eco school silver award AQT award carres grammar school outreach award carres grammar school outreach award